We are pleased to welcome our undergraduate students. Student information, such as schedules, exams, and student support, as well as links to MyTUTor, the library, and the online registration system, can be found here.
- ​​ITS Sys​tem
- ​​​myTUTor​​​
- TUT4Life​
- All campus commencement schedules
- Scheduling of registration at all campuses
TUT examinations are available here. Scheduled examinations are one of the services we provide to students. June and November are the two major examination months. A supplementary examination and a deferred examination are also discussed. Across the University, exams are held in a variety of locations.
Financial Aid
Managing and administering various student funding opportunities according to sponsor requirements is the core business and mandate of the Directorate of Financial Aid. All our campuses aim to provide these funds to eligible students. Funds will be allocated through an equitable and transparent application process.
TUT provides financial assistance to almost 30 000 students each year. It is your responsibility to do whatever it takes to receive financial assistance if you aren’t one of them.
TUT ITs System
- Financial aid dates and processes should be understood.
- Apply for aid and meet all key requirements to ensure timely delivery.
- Find out what types of financial assistance are available.
- To remain eligible for financial aid, you must maintain satisfactory academic progress.
- If you would like to inquire about the status of your application, please contact us.
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