X9 Vacancies at the Department of Higher Education and Training

X9 Vacancies at the Department of Higher Education and Training (03 March 2023)

Apply for X9 Vacancies at the Department of Higher Education and Training (03 March 2023)

DEADLINE: 03 March 2023

Department of Higher Education and Training

As a result of the division of the former Department of Education into Basic Education and Higher Education and Training in 2009, the Department of Higher Education and Training was created.

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) is committed to:

  • Honesty.
  • Taking responsibility.
  • A responsive approach.
  • An excellent customer service experience.
  • Working together.

Available x9 vacancies (Download PDF Below below)

PDF.x9 new vacancies at the Department of Higher Education and Training.PDF

PDF.x9 new vacancies at the Department of Higher Education and Training.PDF


In addition, the application must include a detailed Curriculum Vitae and the new Form Z83, which can be obtained from any Public Service Department or online at www.gov.za. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit a certified copy of their identification document, their senior certificate, their highest qualification and their driver’s license before the interview. For each post you wish to apply for, you must submit a complete application set. In your application, please provide a clear description of the job and the relevant Post Reference Number.

See Also

Each form Z83 (as well as the documentation listed above) must be submitted separately by an applicant applying for more than one post. The applicant must withdraw his or her application in writing. 

Application forms for multiple posts submitted by the same applicant will only be considered when an applicant applies for the first position indicated on the application. Please do not submit copies of your application documents as photostats or faxes. A Personnel Suitability Check will be conducted for successful candidates (criminal background check, citizenship check, financial and asset record check, and qualification and employment verification).

Security clearance processes will also be applied to successful candidates. After the closing date, applicants who do not receive confirmation or feedback within 3 (three) months of submitting their application should consider their application unsuccessful. Applications will not be acknowledged due to the large volume of applications anticipated. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. The person mentioned in the post details can provide more information on the job description(s). Candidate who successfully complete the application process will be placed on probation for a period of twelve (12) months.

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